New Arrivals

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  Title Copies
One Hundred Tasks of Life 人生百事 (English, Chinese, Vietnamese) 
Year: 2019 
Understanding Pure Land Through the Amitabha Sutra 從阿彌陀經說到淨土思想的建立 (English) 
Year: 2018 
Los conceptos fundamentales del budismo humanitario 人間佛教的基本思想 (Spanish) 
Year: 2011 
The Buddhist Perspective on Compassion 佛教的慈悲主義 (English) 
Year: 2001 
Wholeness and Freeness 圓滿與自在 (Bengali) 
Diez cosas que nos preocupan en la vida 人生十問 (Spanish) 
Year: 2017 
The Fundamental Concepts of Humanistic Buddhism 人間佛教的基本思想 (English) 
Year: 2015 
Conditionality: The Law of Cause and Effect 談因說果 (English) 
Year: 2018 
Poems for the Ten Ox-Herding Pictures 《十牛圖頌》隨身修行小冊 (Chinese - English) 
Year: 2009 
Diez cosas que nos preocupan en la vida 人生十問 (Spanish) 
Year: 2011